Category: Drunk, Dirty, & Disturbed

  • Chivalry is Dead

    Chivalry is Dead

    I pull out a chair.
    She walks to the opposite one.
    She doesn’t recognize a gentleman.
    Maybe I’m not one.
    I call her over, “This one is for you.”
    She blushes. As do I.
    I’m facing the entrance.
    I can see if anyone hotter walks by.

    Tradition to me
    is treated untraditionally.
    I hold the door
    to catch a glimpse of her ass.
    I buy her flowers
    because I had to stop for gas.
    As gentle as I am,
    I am also a man,
    confusing romance
    with getting in her pants.

    But leave the pants to me.
    And wear a tight dress.
    Drink to our similarities
    while I drink to our differences.
    Chivalry is dead.
    And buried by every split check.
    I’d like to buy love.
    But I may not get to pay.